This is the very first bass lesson I posted and I'm pleased to say, it has helped hundreds of thousands of beginners get a grasp on music theory and start their journey with playing bass guitar.
Learning how to read a chart is pretty fun and once you understand how to do it, it will then lead to learning how to improvise.
It's important for a bassist to groove over different rhythms and styles of music. Here's an exercise to practices playing over different rhythms.
Bass harmonics is another technique you can use to create music. Using harmonics is also a good way to tune your bass.
Learning to count is very important for beginners. In this video I show how to count out the bass line to Living On A Prayer by Bon Jovi and Under The Boardwalk by The Drifters.
Understanding how chords are structured is extremely important. Knowing this will help to create better bass lines.
In this lesson we tackle a walking bass line for the song Fly Me To The Moon.
In the lesson I show an easy method to learn how to improvise.